Thursday, 21 March 2013

Time Capsule Planning

How long does wood last underground?

Under optimal conditions, 15-20 years. In the direct sunlight, with no added treatments on your part, as little as 3-5 years. 20 years lucky ....15 maximum for treated wood, now when you retreat it over and over you keep weakening it further and further because all wood preservatives soften the fibers and naturally the result is crumbly wood but all wood preserved not exposed to the environment could outlive you, in otherwards the fence posts you put into the ground will rot above ground and 50 years later the part under the ground will likely still be as fresh and new as when you put them into the ground ...even a treated wood foundation for a playhouse or shed will still be like new .

I was worried about using wood as it has a high chance of rotting underground. Although while researching different pages online I have learnt most woods last up to 10 years with no direct sunlight. Many coffins are made out of wood and last many years. 

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