Saturday, 4 February 2012

JPEG files vs RAW files

A topic debated regularly in digital photography is the choice of format to shoot with. All formats have their advantages and disadvantages so it is important for me to research each one before I make a decision. The most two common formats are Jpeg files and Raw file.

I think JPEG is the most well-known format and is familiar to most people. Most digital cameras use this format as these files need a lower amount of memory; therefore this is the correct format for photo images which are very small file for example Websites and emails. The JPEG file is very small compressing to perhaps only 1/10 of the size of the original data. Although when in the process of compressing the photograph some of the image will get lost and once save this data can never be recovered. The compression works by exposing the camera senor to light. Light energy then gets transferred into electrical energy which is then processed into a JPEG file. Information is then picked up while processing, the important data is used in the image and the information not required is removed.

Raw file information

The argument of JPEG vs RAW then comes down to a few considerations. Do I have the memory available to shoot in such a high format? Will I be able to use the format that I shoot my photos in? Will my camera be able to work fast enough for my needs? And possibly the most important; Can I afford to lose quality, or do I need the highest quality images available?

Original Image

Raw file
Jpeg file

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