Thursday, 23 February 2012

Homemade zoetrope

Here is a simple idea for creating my own homemade zoetrope.
1.    Start with a circular box or lid.
2.       Cut a piece of tape 3-4cm square (2 inches)
3.       Make a hole in the bottom of the box, just bigger than a marble.
4.       Stick tape on the outside over the hole and cut radially from the outside.
5.       Glue a glass bead from the outside so it extends beyond the bottom rim of the box- remove the tape.
6.       Draw a picture on a paper strip like you would on a flip book. The paper should be the same length as the box/lid.
7.       Make sure the paper strip goes in a loop.
8.       Cut slits into the black paper- same distance as the pictures.
9.       Make the black strip smaller than the container.
10.   Place the black strip around the edge of the box.
11.   Set the illustrated paper strip on the inside of it, with the illustrations between the slits.

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